Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Lift Off

Crescendo International College

finally, finally and finally, i've finally made up my mind. i'll be studying A-level Art stream in Crescendo International College JB. among my friends, i think i'm the one who took the longest to decide what to study and where to study. Decisions, decisions, decisions. i wonder why i kept changing my mind, from Reading University to HELP university, to Crescendo, to MMU, then back to Crescendo. at first i was sort of confused what to study, though i'm currently aiming for a Law degree but god knows, maybe i'll change my mind like two seconds or two months later. This would be the first time for me to be so clueless and confused. Seriously hope that i will do well in A-level, since i'm taking subjects that are really new to me, Accountings, Business studies, Economics and Law. and perhaps chinese or thinking skills. if i stayed in Science Stream, i would probably die of stupidity and stress. so may the odds be ever in my favor for the next 15 months =)

The size of Crescendo's campus is like half of SMKSP. or maybe a lil smaller.  they only have badminton and student counsel club. at first i didnt want to study in Crescendo, mainly because according to their past history, they didnt have many top students, but this year they improved alot because they finally have an actual campus rather than a building in the city. so they eventually attracted alot of top students. around mainly 30% of 176 students are 7As and above, this is a great improvement when compared to the past few years, so i'm glad. phew. and they provide bus services too. all in all, i just hope that i will do well and dont waste my parent's hard earn money. YEAAAAHHH

shoulder , weightless =)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Meaningful or not ?

Yeah, so hello bastards and bitches ! yes you guys.
nothing special happened recently so there's nothing for me to write yes and i have no interest in writing about politics, people are so brainless and idiotic nowadays and they discuss about politics as if they know everything but actually they know nothing, so i'm not gonna talk about that in case of haters hating. so these few days i was thinking about what do i really study, i have second thoughts on Law now. do i really want to study Law ? okay so i dont wanna talk about that already, it's making me having a headache. okay enough crap, just read the lyrics already, i find it meaningful. Jay chou's 稻香. when i was in PLKN, we were told to pick a song which is meaningful and contains the element of 知足. and i chose this song, but some bitch came saying, ''this song meaningful meh ?'' felt like slapping her. okay i know you guys wont read it so nevermind. k bye. oh btw , '' now playing - That thing you do - The wonders'' in case you dont know this awesome song.

為什麼人要這麼的脆弱 墮落
珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有

還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑
微微笑 小時候的夢我知道
不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠
回家吧 回到最初的美好

不要這麼容易就想放棄 就像我說的
追不到的夢想 換個夢不就得了
為自己的人生鮮豔上色 先把愛塗上喜歡的顏色
笑一個吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的紙飛機 現在終于飛回我手裡
所謂的那快樂 赤腳在田裡追蜻蜓追到累了
偷摘水果被蜜蜂給叮到怕了 誰在偷笑呢
哦 哦 午後吉它在蟲鳴中更清脆
哦 哦 陽光灑在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有

還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑
微微笑 小時候的夢我知道
不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠
回家吧 回到最初的美好

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Too Cheesy ?

Hi Hi
Prepared lunch for my grandma and lil bro today. i made bake Rotini and Chees !  though it took me like 40 minutes, but it turned out tasty but too cheesy, and yes of course, fattening. =/  and i think i bought the wrong pasta sauce, although it was tasty but it tasted like Pizza. super duper full. oh yeah i made Croutons as well, though some of them were burnt hehe but they were crunchy. 

Rotini mushroom and Pasta Sauce !

boil boil boil




crouton !




burnt crouton and cheesy cheesy cheese

Yummy and cheesy.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Unknowns ?

Olá ! 
Had a great lunch time with Celine and Ric today at T.Pelangi. Did some catching ups since we havent seen each other for such a long time !  Most of them are busy with their works and studies. I've already made up my mind to study Foundation in business which leads to Law degree in the University Of Reading, and they have already given me a conditional offer letter, but my dad seems to disapprove and i wonder why. sigh, Sha Bai Ning and DieFatDuck i envy you both la, i really feel like studying right now, i think my brain is rotting , and it's getting worse day by day. and it has been ages since i last had my piano lesson =/  i want that DIPLOMA, lol. i'm getting so bored that i wanna do some DIYs, i think i should start with making my own Bracelet stand, and Necklace holder, yeah. haha.

Celine is doing her A levels now, hope she does well !
Jiaqi is studying in Singapore Poly, Music and Audio Tech ? that's cool !
Weifeng's going to Cyberjaya MMU , Software Engineering, yeah man.
Junyi and Yikkai wants to go for STPM, which is totally hard and i salute you guys. haha
Chernheng is going to study Mass Com at TAR !
Minric is going to pursue Law too, at MMU.
Zining is taking his time. Lol. go man.  haha.

in a few months time, everybody 's going their seperate ways, and there will be less time for us to meet up and have fun, sigh i cant imagine when the time comes where we become further apart , total heart ache =( 
but you know what they say !

 Friendship isn’t about being inseparable. It’s about being separated and knowing nothing will change.

love you guys alot ! =)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Accidentally on Purpose ?

somtimes, just sometimes.
Hi fellas.

was scrolling through Facebook and i saw a quote which was what i've always wanted to express. 
and then it kept me thinking for a while, though the thought has already occurred to me a long long time ago. 
everytime i think of it, i feel awkward. i felt awkward being with them, the reason was perhaps i wasnt good enough. i feel inferior compared to them. after all, i just wanted to spend more time with them. who knows it was such a heck, but i was cool with it, did my part. just, i dont feel comfortable. oh the stress. awkward awkward awkward.  but everything was worthwhile.  okay fun , but awkward. ironic ? =)

But those words you said , subconsciously you mean it. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

PLKN , Program Latihan Khidmat Negara experience II 
click this link. it will redirect you to my other blogs that only contains plkn stuffs. 
it's tidier !

Okay, so the previous post was about WHAT TO BRING to the camp.
so enough said, i will start from Day 1. relax, i wont go from Day 1 to Day 72, i will skipskipskip, so dont worry, i will try my best to shorten it. haha. but i guess it will be a very very extremely long post, cause there is so much to say !

And a one, and a two, and a GO !

Day 1
Got up early, got myself prepared and went to Stadium Hoki, Johor Bahru, that was the place where we gather and register. There were many buses when i reached there, at least 20 i guess, it was very crowded, there were a lot of booths for each camps. that's where we queued and register. after that we boarded on the respective buses and headed to the camp. i remembered that there were so many people that it made me a little uncomfortable, and then you will try looking for your schoolmate, friends, or anybody that you know, since most of my friends went to different camps. And thank god i saw Ryan, and JiaShuen. Booya ! you'll feel more safe when you see your friends in the same camp as you. Got on the bus and instantly made friends with a girl named Angela. then we headed to our camp. As we reach, we were brought to the Dewan Makan where we got in line, and the jurulatih wrote each person's name down in 4 pieces of different coloured papers, which were, red for Alpha, blue for Bravo, yellow for Charlie and green for Delta. I was the last girl in line, the girls in front of my was like, ''hey, you stand here, you stand here blabhblah'' cause they wanna get into the same company. i was like,'' dear girls, you're here to make friends,'' so i told them to let nature takes its course. And then, got my red card, was officially a wirawati Alpha, with my name tag Au written on it. they changed our hand written cards to a neatly typed out, and laminated cards. It was pretty cool :)

Dewan Makan

my nametag P1K23
proud to be an ALPHA
okay, after that we were asked to queue in different stations 1-5 ? there were BMI station, custom (check our luggage ), and a few...!@#$ not sure, my memory is fading, that's a bad sign huh ?  okay so all my medical stuffs that i brough and some stationery was confiscated, oh well. then i brough my things up to my dorm P1.  P1-P8 for the girls and L1-L8 for the boys. the girls dorms were up on the hills something like that, and the boy's dorm was at the lower part where we can see everything , the boy's dorms, the dewan, the classrooms from the girl's dorms. And yeah, also half-naked boys too.

steps to the washroom P1

our bilik air. the kolam is for swimming

place where we hang our clothes to dry

go right to enter our dorm, go left to enter our dorm as well.

bilik air and  tempat sidai baju at the right, dorm at the left
P1 :) messy but classy
well, the bed was okay, and i dont use the blanket as well as the pillow. there were no mosquitoes at night, like what ?! but yeah :) and it's cool at night, but my bed is not under the ceiling fan so it's in the day. but it was still  bearable, not. haha okay after i put my stuffs and luggage in the dorm i went down to get all the plkn issued stuffs, i've already stated in the previous post.

so, Day 1 was quite okay for me, made friends, ended peacefully, and i didnt miss my family that much. i should say i adapt to environment very quickly. i'm the kind that likes challenges, also one of the reason that made me wanna go through PLKN willingly. i knew it would be fun , though the first few days was overwhelming :)

Okay that's Day 1 for you. Ahh shit, this post will be so damn long, sqeeuzing 3 months into 3 paragraphs is too high level for me, so bear with it, i hope you guys will continue reading it ! Especially 白痴鸿 给我读完它.

FYI : !!!!!!  these are Exclamation marks  =/ LOL the font.

First Month 
The camps starts from 5 January and will end on 16 March.
so, in the first month, basically, all we did was having class, CB class, and it's Character Building class not cibai class okay ? =P so we'll have to wear Baju Kelas and Seluar Kelas of course. there were around 444 pelatih in the camp and we were divided into 6 classes. Each class with 2 jurulatih to conduct the class every morning till afternoon. Class can be fun but boring at some times. i'll be honest though, some of the time you feel like sleeping. i was placed in PK8 which was conducted by Cikgu Raihan and Cikgu Edlin and they were awesome. we carried out alot of group activities, which all of it, we had to Think Out Of the Box, that was what the teachers will say, everytime. i remembered clearly that my first group was CIMB- Cina India Melayu Bersatu. yeah, teachers wants a group name that has the element of Malaysia, and we came out with this one. we have other names such as Nasi Lemak Kopi o, Puteri habour, Twin Tower, etc. The best part of the class was that we learnt ALOT of  Tepuk. Tepuk semangat, tepuk sayang, tepuk abang botak, etc. it was very fun :) i'm not supposed to say out what we had in class because that wouldnt be a surprise then, to you newcomers, as for my old fellow friends, we know what we did , and we know the moments, and we know the Perjanjian T.T we have seven rules that we have to obey in class but obviously there were no pelatih that obeyed ALL of the perjanjian. Let's be honest okay haha. there were 4 modules, each for 1 week and the last module was PKRS, Program Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial. Kinda weird class, with those sex and gender talks. Fun and funny and all of us laughed, out loud. and then after we had out 3 modules, there was a majlis penutupan CB. we get to perform and act in a sketsa. juggling competition and pertandingan sorakkan. we won for juggling and sketsa. but we shouldn have won the sketsa because we did badly. we wont because the other classes exceeded their time limit. so...but still, fair and square. and it was funnn ! i played the role of Juliet and Amin was Romeo.

okay, so i almost forgot, the first week we had KKJ ( Kontrak Kita Janji ) too. an activity for us to form a four teams in each company and design our own flag and we have to present it. at first, i hated this activity, cause not everybody was cooperative, which then caused us to be scolded by our teachers, they were so angry that they told us to stop the presentation and get back to our seats. it was fking embarassing. i spoke a few words or two spontaneously but it wasnt satisfying. But, it was still a great experience. Let the photos do the talking.



Alpha and the winning team

you guys are awesome :)

Jurulatih Alpha


Wira Alpha

Wira Alpha, again

1 Malaysia.

random photo.


presentation, it says Bisa Bravo

And there's Alphin,.

Flag. Proud. Pride.

Permainan Kreativiti
And there was Permainan Kreativiti where we had to Think Out Of The Box again, and figure ways, smart and quick ways to finish the games. Most of them were all about Team Work. Team work is seriously hard man, especially when there was 123456789 leaderss. in a game, where we had to use a piece of majong paper and cut it to make it into a circular paper which surrounds and we have to walk quite a distance to finish the game, we really blew it , though we reaached the garisan tamat, our paper was torn off. and then we failed. everybody was pekcek during the game. Coordination problem, which i've already forseen.
and, i gained experience from that game. lol.
spider web thingy

i did not get the chance to play this
balancing log ? 

my group didnt get to play this either

looks fun =( 
hard ass game
my group failed at this game

Alpha Flag!


didnt get to play thiis TOO
hard ass game

spider thing

My group, i'm the one with the cap

Captures !
Happy faces haha
 Perasmian Pangkat and Serah Bendera.




Ash - Alpha's Leader

that's me ! Ketua Dobi. tough job.

wira in Full Loreng having fun.
Barisan Jurulatih
Waina, Penolong Kompeni Bravo


Penghulu Clady

Penghulu Wirawati Tihah
'' The weight on our shoulder ; responsibility ''

—————————————        End Of the First Month in Camp     ——————————————

Second Month 
we had Kembara Halangan in the second month, or was it in January..ahh, whatever. So Kemabara Halangan was a very challenging activity, especially the Monkey Bar. The day before we had our competition, i managed to swing all the way through the monkey bar. but on the day of the competition, i failed to pass that obstacle course, disappointed  =( cheering, and shouting for our teamates was very cool and awesome. we had a lot of fun with it, Alpha also won in the Kemabara Halangan Competition. Alpha Cemerlang, gemilang, terbilang HUHA ! you've done a great job Wira Alpha !

yikes, what's the name for this obstacle  again ? =/
how about...stupid bar

forgotten this as well =/
how about.. Path of Death

how about...wall of destiny

6 feet ? 

 Tarzan swing lol
Tarzan Swing fail

Monkey Freaking Bar

Jump of the Hell 

Bisa Bravo

Alpha woohoo

Alpha woohoo II

Delta ! Aummm, Delta ! Aummm, Delta Delta Delta ! Aummm Aumm Aumm !

wira ! 


Charlies !

From Above

And Above

Go Hai Nan Nang ! 



Wira's Wall 

At the end of the competition, we were told to open up our bottle and pour the water onto ourselves. everybody was like ''cikgu, tak nak la ~~'' but we still did it anyways. it was VERY FUN. splashing each other, the best part was that the sands on our bodies, and hair became sticky, and we were like, OMG our hair. At the end of the day, each group cheered ? chanted ? too bad that i couldnt upload the videos of us cheering. blogger has some problem =/

Khidmat Komuniti 
Program Gotong-royong. we went to housing areas and cleaned their Taman. picking up rubbish wasant as bad as i thought. we had the feeling of satisfaction after cleaning up the place. we were treated with Curry Puffs as well !
We went to a school to perform our Para-para and sang seven songs. All of us had fun ,  cause we practiced for a very long time, and we did okay. though the timing was off when we were performing para-para. But it was still a sweet success !

jurulatihs preparing the feast
jurulatihs washing the veges

cleaning the big Plate

washing the chickens ? veges ? 
the school


Program Gotong-royong
menanak nasi

in the hall

lunch, rice. chicken. noodles. vege.


i see you NEA

i'm at the back with Fennie !
My Beautiful Malaysia Day 
on the 3rd of February, around 160 of us went to take part in a program called My Beautiful Malaysia.
it was a program carried out by all the goverment people and us of course. i 've forgotten what was the real purpose about already. yeah, so we went to a square and we..did some exercise, dancing. after that we were supposed to clean suraus and masjids, but as it was raining outside, the bukan muslims werent supposed to enter the sacred place so we stayed in the bus, chatting, listening to music and waited for time to pass. oh yeah, according to the others, the lunch they served us was stale. i was the only one who didnt eat and the teacher told me to throw the packet of foo
d away. haha.

gotong royong
gotong royong
group photo



gotong royong

three hai nan nang !


we are hainanese !

on the bus ! stanly and aik chun

the VIPS
gotong royong

sukarelawan Jason
on 21st of February, we had our activiti masuk hutan. yeap, adventure haha. we were given the 6 figure coordinates,a map, compass and we were asked to findcertain checkpoints as well as finding our own way out. but there was a teacher who accompanied us though, cikgu Sue. she did help us , gave us some reminders, short cuts, although she wasnt supposed to. haha. we set off at 9 at reach the camp at 1pm. it was a blast. had to jump over Lubang, those payah, and yes we did fall into the muds. great experience though ! 
Us. Alpha

wira alpha

ladang kelapa sawit


haha that's me covering my mouth

us !


Bravo ?

hmm ?

baris baris sedia !



Tali Tinggi and flying Fox
on 26th of Feb, we had activiti tali tinggi. there were 4 stations. in the first one, we had to walk on a metal..rope ? LOL. the second one, we have to walk across a titi like that. the third one was also walking on a metal..rope ?  LOl. the fourth stations was flying fox.  flying fox was very fun, woooo and slide down.
the tali tinggi was very scary, i had to whole on to the safety rope whilst walking on the titi. some girls managed to run across it. good job haha.


tali tinggi

first station


3rd station

2nd station


teacher ensuring our safety


3rd station very wobbly

first station

high on top

shuai ge

up to the flying fox station

—————————         End of the Second Month in camp    ————————————

Last month 

Kota Iskandar and Legoland
So, on the 2nd of March, we had Khidmat Komuniti. We went to explore Kota Iskandar, look around, the bilik mesyuarat where the Sultan sits and talks. it was a very beautiful place. the whole Kota iskandar is well designed. great architecture. Took alot of photos. Listened to a talk on the kota iskandar and the future development. and then we went to Legoland. we didnt get to play , we just got the chance to walk around there. everybody went off to buy their lunch, we were bored of the canteen's food duh. haha. bought Shilin meesua , wasnt that yummy. sigh. And then we went to the port and a shopping complex. went into a toy shop, alot of hello kitties and soft toys, disney toys, and there were aot of Koreans too. it was a pretty fun day !  i guess everybody had fun as it was so exciting , we were kept in our camp for so long, you know. haha
my friends and I in the washroom lol.

Xiao Hong fennie Kelvin Teo

Pei xiong and I



Hello kitty. fan

on the bus

bilik mesyuarat

blue chair is where the Sultan sits

entrance ? 

group shot

group shot

group shot

Menembak ( Colt16 )
on 4th of March, we had our shooting activity. before of the actual shooting dayy where we went to the shothing field, we had a trial shooting outside the camp in the ladang kelapa sawit, just to give us a picture of how it works, taught us the method of holding the biangbiang. no bullets though, just trial.  and the day of the shooting competition, yeah it was like a competition where we will add up our points to help our caompany to win. i got 65/100. which was satisfying, to me. haha. Also one of the reason for everybody to join PLKN, you get to hold the gun, and the sound of the bullet shooting was just awesome, ahh i missed that day. the lady army who was beside me ensuring my safety while i biangbiang, told me that i was very fast and i should have take my time. oh well. it was a fking great experience, not everybody can hold a gun and shoot it 30 times in their life.





actual shooting


actual shooting

Perjanjian thingy : we swear that we wont bring back any bullets

i'm at the back.

score board. 4-1 65 /100

Kraf hutan
Kraf hutan was an activity where we carried out in the ladang kelapa sawit. mini classes on cooking, plants, survival in the forest, how to set up a shelter and all those. everything was boring except for the cooking part. haha.
cooking lessons !

how to catch a ffish

cooking elsson

bubu etc

plants and their uses

rice and sardin

having fun

using a stick to stir the rice.

the boys

Alpha wirawati

so we had marching competition on 11th of march. each company has three groups to take part in the cmpetition. Wira, wirawati and campuran. we trained for like 3 days or so ? i was selected for 3rd commander cause my voice wasnt strong and mantap enough. so i  became the timer. the competition was, not satisfying. we got last place. and that was shocking. caue we made a mistake while doing the Belakang pusing where our Platoon gave the wrong command, and ....haha. but i thought we would at least get 3rd place. honestly , i've watch the video of us marching, we were better than delta, we were much in sync. though we lost a lot of marks in the belakang pusing. but, we were not happy with the results. but the campuran and boys group got first place. so oveall, Alpha won. we, the girls were, disappointed.  gah, nvm, the jurulatih comforted us too and assumed a bunch of reason why we didnt get 3rd place. =/
BUT, it was a great experience, everytime we pratice, from the first practice to the actual competition, we improved like @#$%^& that lot. we suck at first, like , total shit, then we became good, better but, not the best. Thanks Cho ! you are a great platoon, we dont blame you nd we love you ! too bad tht i cant post the video here. blogger gah

dalam baris tolong senyap





get ready

and throw !
wirajaya can be counted as the climax of the camp where we camp in the ladang kelapa sawit aka Woods. each company has their own territory and of course boys and girls were seperated. so we had to build our own tents using our poncho, then we had to decorate our camp base using plants rocks sands anything you can find in the surroundings. we got 2nd place for that if i'm not wrong, not sure haha. when the tlk and komandan arrived to see our camp, Peisien Cho Ecah and I performed Silat. yeap, we learnt from Cho for like 5 mins and then we were ready to go. we did a great job. the komdan also loved our hand-made siren, where we used the tin kosong and put rocks in it and then tied it to at the entrance. we used the chinese string pattern to tied it. it was exquisite haha. the teacher came to check our steel container to see whether it was clean but wasnt. so as for punishment, the teacher took the dirty black burnt container and stick it onto our face. gross. but to heck with it, it was fun. then we also had activities such as First Aid, Navigation, Food finding. 2nd place for first aid, which i took part in. 3rd place for food finding i guess. forgotten T.T and too bad we didnt have the chance to stay overnight at the camp, cause there were some issues. some wiras were bitten by damn. safety first =/

that's us !

our Alphin

miss them !

Malam Kompeni
okay so, the few nights before we officially end the whole plkn program, we had our malam kompeni. where we get to perform anything and it was like a competition. we had to perform our Camp Song, by interpreting it and make it like our own version. so that was one exciting moments. though we only got second place, but the commander told us that if it was him, he would let us win, our performance was really entertaining, and the whole crowd cheered for us. we sang, abit of sketsa, and there was a performance of Fantastic Baby. 
so yeah, we rule , we rock the night. haha. 

Bravo and their drama was quite cool.


alpha !

abit of sketsa


the wiras
Malam seribu kenangan
The night before we go home the next morning. the majlis started around 8 and ended around 4.30 in the morning. it was a great night. took hundreds of photos. evertybody was in the celebration mood. had karaokes, performances, prizes. it was a night to remember. 

peisien me fennie

well decorated dewan

Ou and Au

xiao hong and I


the food was pretty nice. yumm




the girls

our special badge


four in the morning, eating kfc

da ming!

look at our pose haha

Ros !

Tamat Latihan 
so we had our majlis tamat latihan where we perform para para, peyerahan flag, and tears, joy and sadness.
yes 98% people cried. most of them cried when our Flag was going to be taken back and then plus the sad background music and those touching words, people started sobbing, and i hold my tears. i couldnt hold it any longer when our Kem Sembrong's flag was taken down. it was, SAD. seriously. yeah after that we threw our beret, hug our friends, cry and laugh together and take photos. and then that's it. =)

Last day
16th march was the day that 80% of the Pelatihs leaving. it was a Saturday. our Malam Seribu Kenangan ended around 4.30am and then those who are going back are gathered around 6.30am. i went home on Sunday. it was very sad, many people were crying, we seldom see each other again, the thought of that just made me sad =(  after all we were by each other's side for 24/7 ! especially fennie peisien , miss those nights were we slept together side by side =) al of them went back on ssturday, i was left alone but luckily there were few of my boy-frriends teman me ! haha. 


chloe crying haha
xiao hong lolo hoi jett peixiong stanly

chloe me fennie peisien

peace ll


au and ou 

Goh Gor !


vandalism lol


Cho and Ida


Hai nan nang !


sauyang from the other camp lol

xiao hong 
people wrote a bunch of stuffs on my Baju Kelas

 Before i end this post, let's enjoy more photos !

xinyi and I. Dobi
Blood donation
ros !

Ah cheng

Komandan haha

chloe and i
xiao hong's bday we attacked him with chocolate
angry bird

kota iskandar

kota iskandar

buddha thingy

Acap !

xiao hong
nicce post
the gang

shot !

shot !
what in the world ?


peisien and chloe
chloe and i

one of the worse days
angry bird !


angry bird
peixiong and i
ecah and i

going back for cny holiday
chloe and i
the girls
baju kurung !
my dad and i
i like this one

the gang


And so, we ended the 72 days in camp, successfully. 
i'm so glad that i went for PLKN, met a bunch of crazy and idiotic friends, and of course i gained new experience. I will never forget all those happy awesome, crazy, scary, nervous, pissed off, and sad moments. Though the 3 months journey ended so soon, but i will cherish the memory of the times that we spent together 24/7 ! 
although i did not manage to get to know every single pelatih in the camp, but, well done guys ! great job ! we survived ! YAHOO HUAT AH !
Million thanks to all the Jurulatihs too ! thanks for taking care of us !

Kem Sembrong Tetap Ku Sanjung :) 

——————————————         TheEnd      ——————————————